Duck n Dive Terms & Conditions 2024

Booking and Payment

When initially booking onto a course we will require you to complete an online enrolment form via The Client Hub  – this will be kept confidential at all times in line with GDPR. This is a great way of communicating and you can inform us of any changes in your contact details as this information is used for re-enrolment, posting awards and to contact you if lessons are cancelled for any reason.

By booking you accept these terms and conditions and they will form a binding contract between you and Duck N’ Dive Limited. You will automatically be re-enrolled each half term unless you advise us that you do not wish to continue.

Payment must be made in full by the date shown on the invoice and prior to the start of the course. If payment is not received by the course start date your child’s space may not be guaranteed.

Payment is to be made via our secure collection partner and worldwide trusted GoCardless. (Full details available on request and sign up details will be emailed upon booking).

Late payments/ payment arrears

We will remind you via email after one week of any late payment due, a final warning will be issued after 14 days and a follow up call made to see if all is ok, if no payment has been made following this, we reserve the right to cancel your booking and your invoice will remain payable in full.

Please talk to us if you experience any difficulty in making a payment and we will do our best to support and do our upmost to agree upon a solution.

Refunds and Cancellations by you

Please note that we require 4 teaching weeks notice of cancellation of lessons – if you cancel your space during the term no refund will be given.

If 4 teaching weeks notice is not given before the start of the next course a certain number of lessons will remain payable for.

If you are unable to attend a lesson due to holidays or illness a refund will not be given under any circumstances*. We regret that due to being at continued capacity we cannot offer alternative lessons if you are unable to attend.

*If lessons are being cancelled or postponed due to a serious illness/emergency please speak to us and we will do our best to assist and support.

Children with heavy colds, sinusitis, ear infections, diarrhoea, vomiting, chicken pox and any such other contagious diseases should NOT attend lessons whilst these symptoms show.

Please do not let your child eat for at least 30 minutes before their lesson –any sickness in the pool results in pool closure.

Pool Closures or Cancellations by us

If in the event Duck N Dive Limited has to cancel a lesson for such reason as under staffing or an emergency pool closure, the fee will be credited to your account to be deducted from the following term fees.

With scheduled pool maintenance we will always try and find a suitable alternative venue and will of course plan and inform you accordingly.

If cancellation is by us you will receive 100% of monies for missed lessons either via deduction of your fee for the following course, or if your child is not continuing onto next course a bank transfer payment refund will be made on the final date of the scheduled lessons.

We will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible via SMS and email to advise you of any changes/cancellations.

Awards and Assessments

With the new Client Hub you will be able to follow your child’s progress on a weekly basis.

Progress will be updated within 24 hours of your child’s lesson.

A full yearly report will be completed during the Christmas and Easter periods.

You are able to contact us via email if you have any queries or questions for our instructors at any time.

Official ASA badges are available to purchase at £4.50 each for those who wish for them – please email or you can message us via the Client Hub. We do not focus on distance badges however your child will be assessed termly as per the ASA guidelines.

Distance is practiced over the course of the whole term as it must be achieved confidently and consistently before badges are awarded.

Badges are awarded at the end of each half term and any orders are to be made via the client hub no later than 3 days post term ending so orders can be processed during the break, certificates will be handed out by week 2 of the new term.

If your child passes a stage during a term they will not be moved until the following term, spaces permitting.

Parents and Swimmers

Due to running to strict timings, all lessons will start promptly at the agreed start time – it is important that your child arrives on time.

If a child arrives more than 5 minutes late, unfortunately they will not be able to swim as they will have missed the warm up and it is unfair on the other children.

Each pool has its own set of rules and will be provided on request, or will be available on our website.

There must be no food or drink in or around any of the pool facilities (except drinks in none glass sealed bottles) the exception being leisure club, who sell hot and cold beverages and food, this must be carefully managed and only food supplied by them is to be consumed on poolside.

Parents must remain on venue premises when their child’s lesson is ongoing but are not required to stay on poolside. We find that most swimmers perform better without their parents/guardians on pool side so we do encourage, where possible, parents take advantage of the bar offers at applicable venues.

Each pool has its own rules and they are available on our website.

In the event of a swimmer refusing to obey an instruction from a member of staff, or behaving in an unruly manner the swimmer may not be allowed to continue with the lesson.

We reserve the right to remove swimmers from the programme should we believe a risk to health and safety procedures.

Think about the little things

Tie long hair back (remove where it says boys and girls), no hoops or jewellery of any kind (unless for religious purposes).

Boys must swear snug shorts as it helps with leg action, body position and reduces resistance, further enhancing technique- so please no big surfboard shorts.

Goggles- Avoid character goggles, as these are often not as sturdy as proper, sport goggles. Also avoid large, mask like goggles as these are a hinderance to some drills. Instead we recommend the ‘Speedo children’s Hydropulse goggles’ which on the Decathlon website or in most sport stores.


You can communicate with us via the Client Hub in the first instance or you can find our email address below.

You can also contact us via our Facebook page.

For general enquiries, help on invoices, booking enquiries, reports, awards please email

For compliments, complaints or for any other urgent notifications please contact: (Operations Director).

As a parent/ guardian we understand you will want to help and assist both us and your child to ensure best development and value for money is received, we believe you achieve this by:

Understand and respect pool rules, and why we have them; we know rules can be… well rules, and some can occasionally be questioned but all pool rules are there for the safety and enjoyment of all swimmers.

Please assist us by ensuring you and your swimmer keep to them and of course let us know if you have any concerns.

Understanding the process, swimming is a journey, each child progresses in their own way and their own pace, whilst we do all we can to assist and ensure best practice, children are always encouraged however we will not put pressure on them to reach untimely goals and expectations.

Talking to your child about their lessons, talk to them about how they best learn and instilling in them that all you ask is that they try their best, and finally ensure they know they can always ask for extra help should they need it.

Please do not interact with your child during their lesson as it can be detrimental to their learning process, also please do not distract instructors during their lessons – if you have any questions please email us following the lesson.

Praise your child for their efforts, and please talk to us if you have concerns with any element away from poolside.

Be prepared for lessons; packing the night before works for some parents.

Ensure you have everything to hand and remember if you do forget anything don’t just go home, speak to us and if we can help we will of course!

Think about the little things, they can make a big difference! Please tie longer hair back (girls and boys), no hooped earrings, boys must wear snug fitting shorts as they help with their leg action (please no big surf board shorts!) and girls to wear suitable swim suits.

As always talk to us if you have any concerns, or even to say if we have done a good job!

We love what we do and we love seeing the shared enjoyment and sense of satisfaction our lessons bring to swimmers and their families.

Thank you for choosing us with this special task of making your child a happy healthy little swimmer.

Child Protection

Our designated child protection officer is Sarah Taylor.

If you have any child protection issues please contact Sarah at

Primary School Child swim lesson.

Get in touch

Dive into our inbox and drop us an email!

or give us a call on

07943 273296

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